Monday, February 6, 2017

Monday February 6, 2017

Blog time: 1130 sitting at Panera

How about that Super Bowl. I stayed up until the end and was as surprised as most on the outcome. Tom Brady should retire because he will never top last night's performance.

It was cold, 19, this morning but no wind. I decided to walk to the Y.

Nancy also headed out to a class at MVP. Later this morning she has a doctor's appointment to discuss her recent bone scan.

My walk was in bright sunshine. Sun on the white snow is a great sight.

Did all my routine, showered and headed out to Panera. The sun was still out and the temp had risen to 31.

The double vision still persists. I am experimenting with different glasses. I have one pair of glasses with one lens for vision and another for reading. It use to work when I wore one contact for distance and the other for reading. It does not work with the double vision.

The best thing I have found is to put a patch over one eye. This is the safest way to drive. I bought an eye patch but it does not work well over glasses. I found that using a magnetic money clip and putting it over a len works fine.

Checked the London papers but they didn't have any hard news. They did have some great trashy stories.

The WSJ did not have any articles I want to comment on.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on a long walk. Pleasant walk with bright sun. The sun had some warmth to it.

Nancy's bone scan indicates that she has a broken bone in her foot. The Doctor fitted her with a boot. She must wear the boot for a month.

Nancy also visited the Dentist to get her temporary crown fixed.

We want to put a TV in our living room. Our plan is to move the TV out of the bedroom.

We have an existing cable chord in the living room. I traced the living room chord and found it ended near our Direct TV box. I spent several hours trying to disconnect the bedroom cable chord to the Direct TV box and connect the LR chord in its place. I thought I had it all figured out but no luck. I guess I need help.

I called my Sister this afternoon and spent some time catching up.

I did iron several pair of khaki's. We have a great iron that lets a klutz like me put a great crease in my khakis.

Light dinner tonight, presently we are watching the news on PBS. It looks like a Netflix evening.

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