Monday, February 20, 2017

Monday February 20, 2017

Blog time: 1130 at Panera.

Happy President's Day, in my youth President' Day was called Washington' Birthday and celebrated on February 22. In 1971 the holiday was changed to a three day holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February. It was also renamed President's Day.

Another unseasonably warm sunny February day. It was in the mid 30s when I left and it is now 47 heading to a high of 59. We won't get back to normal February weather until Saturday when the low will be 24. I just checked. Average daily low for this time of year is in the low 20s.

I still have my steel studded tires on my bike. They are noisy and impede making quick turns. I am reluctant to remove them because winter is still not over.

A lot of school age kids at the Y so I assume some schools have the day off.

President Trump continues to make outlandish statements. The press has a hissy fit. Then the VP or Sec Defense or State calms everyone down. When will the press quit taking the bait?

Read the London papers this morning. BRexit is getting nasty in the UK and EU. Can UK just walk away?

Because the stock market was closed today the WSJ was a limited edition. Nothing to comment on.

The warm weather has the bird singing and the animals moving. Yesterday on my walk I watched a herd of six deer feeding alongside Tahoe Drive. Are they getting salt residue from snow removal operations?

As soon as I got home took Ms P on a long walk followed by a quick lunch. Spent some time trying to fix our alarm system. No luck. I guess I will have to have a service tech come out to the house.

Rode my bike to Meijer's to buy some cheese and a lottery ticket.

On February 22, 1961 brand new civil engineer RH Scott wrote his mother from Detroit. I had the day off because it was Washington's Birthday. It was a Wednesday. I had my first job as a civil engineer and worked in downtown Detroit. My pay was $510 per month. I did not have a car so I walked downtown every work day a distance of three miles.

I wrote the letter as I was waiting for my frozen tamales to get hot. Having the day off I walked to the downtown library only to find it closed. I told Mom I just made it home before it started raining. I spent the rest of my day off reading Time and the Detroit News. Exciting day for a 22 year old bachelor.

We will have a light dinner. No paper tonight so after the news we will watch some Netflix.

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