Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday February 15, 2017

Blog time: 1150 at Panera

Breakfast Club Wednesday, up at 0530 and got ready for drive to BC. The temperature got below freezing last night. Light snow on my drive to BC. Took surface street because of the double vision. The most difficult part of driving is making turns on multi lane roads.

A lot of new members at today's meeting. Also the age of the members is showing. I counted 5 members who have started using a cane since the first of the year.

I stopped at the car wash after BC. This was the Escape's first wash. Looks good.

I was going to leave my Rolex off at the watch store but they were closed. It has been almost ten years since it has been cleaned. I can't believe that the watch is over 50 years old. Nancy got it for me Christmas 1965.

Drove to Y and did a modified workout, 60%. I then headed to Panera.

The London papers had several stories about the contact between the Trump folks and Russian intelligence. The Telegraph even had a picture and story of Dan Rather saying that the Russian story is the biggest scandal since Watergate. I have never been a fan of Rather. He always thinks he is bigger than the story.

I think I have a sinus infection so I called my ENT Doctor. The earliest I can get in is March 1. What do really sick folks do?

Blog continues, 1730 sitting in living room drinking wine.

Drove home from Panera and first thing I took Ms P on her walk. It was also my first outdoor activity of the day. Need to get my 30' in.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon.

Today was my Rope Yarn Wednesday. In addition to getting the car washed, I put out the trash and did a load of laundry. Since Nancy cannot workout because of her broken foot she has been spending a lot of time cleaning out closets, etc. As a result we had a lot of trash today.

Called my Ocular Neurologist today and asked what Plan B was? I have been on steroids for a month and nothing has changed. Maybe I should just accept the double vision and get on with it.

I did take a short nap. After the nap I bundled up for a two mile walk. For the first time in ages my mile time was less than 20 minutes.

It has been a cold blustery day. High temp of 27 with winds of 15 mph. Friday's high will be 52. Yo-yo temperatures cannot be healthy.

Several members at BC think the news media and Federal Bureaucrats are out to get POTUS. What do you think?

Light dinner tonight and then some Netflix/Amazon or Acorn shows. We seldom watch conventional TV.

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