Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wednesday February 8, 2017

Blog time: 0915 at Panera

Easy Wednesday and I am enjoying it. Slept in until 0700, dressed and walked to Panera. Winter returns with this morning temps in mid 20s.

Had a full breakfast, oatmeal, toast, banana and coffee, at Panera.

This morning the Daily Mail was in fine fiddle with stories and photos about topless beaches in Argentina, a women removing a tennis ball from a python, DJ cuts finger off man and posts photos on Snapchat, and cameraman attacked by leaping frog. Love the UK press.

They also had some serious stories about the progress of BRexit, slow, and the threat of Scotland leaving. I did not know that fracking is being done in UK. Of course the frackers have to deal with nasty protesters.

I also must give a shoutout to the Alpena News. Their coverage of local governments and local sports is great. They put the GRP to shame.

At 1015 I packed up and headed to the Y. Today I went swimming. I swam 1,000 yards. I got the last available lane but when I left the pool was empty. Timing is everything.

The wind had died down so the walk home was pleasant. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon and she had already left when I got home.

I started a load of laundry as soon as a got home. Then I grabbed Ms P and we took a 1.5 mile walk. I thought the Golf cart path looked clear. We started walking and soon found out that a thin layer of black ice covered the path. Ms P does not do well walking on ice.

Took out the trash and recyclables before lunch. I ate a light lunch because tonight is Nancy's Book Club. Tom Moleski and I were going out for pizza.

Quick nap and changed clothes for pizza night. Nancy was home by 1600. She said we had a message on the machine. It was Tom Moleski saying he was under the weather and so no pizza night.

I decided to stay home. I finished reading the WSJ.

Former Secretaries of Defense and Treasury George Shultz and James Baker wrote an Opinion Piece in the WSJ. I think this article is a MUST READ!! It outlines their plan to attack Global Warming. The mainstay of their plan is a CARBON TAX. It involves a simple tax. No bulky Federal regulations or bureaucratic meddling.

THEIR PROPOSAL IS THE MOST COMMON SENSE IDEA I HAVE SEEN. I hope folks listen to these two distinguished gentlemen. Mr Shultz is 96 and Mr Baker is 86. SENIORS ROCK!

My double vision continues, tomorrow I will call the Doctor and see what Plan B is.

Light dinner and some news before watching a Netflix Nature show on my iPad. I can see ok on the iPad.

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