Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday February 13, 2017

Blog time: 1130 at Panera

Holy global warming: it was sunny with temps in the high 20s when I left for the Y.

I got out my bike, pumped up the tires and headed out to the Y. The walks were clear. My double vision was not a problem. I think it is because of the slow speed. Took my short ride to the Y, 5 miles. It was great being on the bike. The bike because of the gearing has a great advantage over walking. Plus it is easier on the joints. First bike ride of 2017.

POTUS seems to get into the news in the UK. The UK Commons Speaker might lose his job after demanding that POTUS not be allowed to visit the UK.

More UK news, Stories about Meryl Streep and Alex Baldwin trashing the President made front pages. These folks might be good at their trade but I resent them speaking for me or any US citizen. Face it folks Trump did win and he must be given some respect.

Out with Political Correctness, Yale is renaming one of their colleges that is named for John C Calhoun, a Yale graduate. Calhoun was a slave owner, Senator, VP from SC. Why doesn't Yale change its name because they were dumb enough to admit him? Why not ban German Cars because these companies supported Hitler's regime? Forgiveness is a human virtue. Apparently the elites at Yale don't think so.

Two people POTUS could do without are General Flynn and Advisor Miller.

I think the world would be a better if Twitter went out of business. I keep hearing of their financial problems and they cannot find a buyer.

I took my normal bike ride home. Made a swing through the Ridges Apartment complex and the Gatehouse condo association.

Nancy had lunch at the Omelette Shop. This was her monthly get together with the Blodgett Gift Shop women.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on her walk. Dropped her off and then walked to Walmart to get a gift for my Valentine.

I took a short nap. It is now 1800 and it is still light outside. The days are getting longer.

I forgot yesterday to give a shout out on the birthday of my favorite POTUS, Abe Lincoln. I think Lincoln has to be one of the greatest. I would love to have lunch with him.

Light dinner, we are now watching the PBS news. Presently they are talking about the Orville Dam problems in CA. CA can't get a break: major drought followed by record flooding. Bottom line don't mess with Mother Nature.

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