Sunday, February 19, 2017

Saturday February 18, 2017

Blog time: 1915 sitting in den writing blog.

Just got back from dinner at Shepard's Grill, my favorite neighborhood pub. I had a bowl of clam chowder and Nancy had a slider.

We have had a beautiful spring like day. Temps in mid 50s with clear blue sky and sun.

Checked the temperature in San Jose, LA and Tucson. GR was within two degrees. Good grief we are still in February.

Started our day off by driving to Panera for breakfast. We had our standard Saturday fare.

We did stop at Meijer's on our way home to get gas in the Escape. Gas was $2.26.

As soon as I got home I put on my biking clothes and headed out on a 14 mile ride. My longest ride of the year. The trails were crowded with folks getting out and enjoying the unseasonable warm weather.

At home I took Ms P on her walk. Even Ms P was enjoying the warm weather. She sniffed at every bush along the walk. It took us 45 minutes to walk 1.2 miles.

I took a shower and had a quick lunch.

Sat down with my iPad to read the papers and immediately fell asleep. Nancy said I slept for well over an hour.

I did finally read the papers. I liked Peggy Noonan's WSJ column today. She is as perplexed with our President as I am.

Several qualified folks have turned down the NSA job mainly because they cannot pick their staff. I agree. I want my own staff.

I am for a carbon tax but really don't understand the proposed border adjustment import tax.

Tonight I will watch a Netflix show. Nancy headed to bed early because her brace is causing some knee pain. Also she has a good book.

Had a nice FaceTime conversation with Debbie tonight.

Watched Frontier on Netflix.

Tomorrow's weather is suppose to be as good as today's.

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