Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday February 14, 2017

Blog time: 1130 at Panera

Happy Valentines Day! Read the London papers this morning and did not know that Valentines Day was a big deal in the UK.

Another sunny morning with temps in the mid 30s. The west winds, 19 mph, made my bike ride to the Y difficult. However, the ride home will be easy.

It was a slow news day in the UK. BRexit dominates their news. They still love to report on the follies of our President.

The status quo in Europe appears to becoming unglued. Major elections in Germany and France this year. PM Merkel, of Germany, appears to be in trouble. The populist unrest is not unlike what happened in the US.

I am a big proponent of vaccinations for children. I feel so strong about this that I told my employees that if they didn't get their kids vaccinated I would fire them. I really don't think that I could. But all employees knew it was a good thing to do. I lived through the polio epidemic and know the fear that spreads through a community when outbreaks occur.

I was dismayed when I read that in Italy the vaccination rate has significantly gone down. I think this is bad for Italian children.

I was glad to see General Flynn resign. He was too hard core for me.

We have a busy afternoon. Must go to Costco to replenish my eye drop supply. At 1430 we are meeting with Pastor Bob at Trinity Lutheran.

After lunch we headed to Trinity Church for our meeting with Pastor Bob. It was a good meeting, we got all our questions answered. I was impressed with the Church's philosophy.

After our meeting we headed to Costco. I purchased my eye drops. Nancy bought a gift card. Costco was nearly empty.

Ms P and I took a nice walk. The nice weather will continue through the weekend.

Nancy fixed pork with apples and rice for dinner. It was great.

Veronica, Lucas and Alessandra FaceTimed us tonight wishing us a Happy Valentines Day.

Speaking of Valentines Days I remember 1964. Their were six single LTjgs in my outfit in Vietnam. None of us got a Valentine from young women we knew in the States but we all got a Valentine from Mom. Mom's rock.

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