Sunday, February 5, 2017

Saturday February 4, 2017

Blog time 1045 sitting in Cascade Library

Happy Birthday Akerke Scott! Today is grand daughter Akerke's ninth birthday. Have a great birthday AJ.

We slept in today until 0700. We noted the days are getting longer because we had bright sunshine when left at 0800 for Panera. The temperature was eight degrees so Nancy drove the Taurus.

We had our standard Saturday morning fare. Panera was not crowded. Most neighborhood folks are in FL.

After breakfast we stopped at Meijer's and filled up the Taurus. Gas was $2.29 per gallon.

When I left home at 1000 to walk to the library the temperature had risen to 20. Bright sun can do that.

Not much in the London papers except reports on a big march in London protesting President Trump's EO on immigration. With all the problems the UK has what are they doing protesting an action 3,000 miles away.

In today's WSJ Peggy Noonan had a great opinion piece on the President. It was not favorable. I agree the President has got to quit acting like a spoiled rich kid. The bragging about his rating on the Apprentice vs Arnold's is low brow.

We drove to Rose's on Reeds Lake for an early dinner. We sat on the glassed in patio and watched folks ice fishing on Reeds Lake.

I told Nancy that ice fishing is a major outdoor activity in Alpena. My Uncle Bill Hughes use to regularly go ice fishing after he retired from the Cement Plant. He would put his gear in a bucket and walk to the Thunder Bay River. Uncle Bill would drill a hole through the ice and drop a line in. He sat on his overturned bucket and fished until he had enough perch for dinner.

Speaking of cold winter Saturdays until I was 12 I would spend Saturday afternoons at the Lyric Theater. My buddies and I would attend the double feature which usually featured a western followed by a Charlie Chan of Boston Blackie detective show. Admission cost $0.12.

Saturday dinner in February always consisted of Boston Baked Beans and fresh baked homemade bread. My Grandmother Hughes alway baked a loaf every Saturday during the winter.

Continuing on my Saturdays in February theme. After my bath, yes folks only once a week, I would go to bed early and listen to Hawaii Calls on my bedroom radio. Hawaii Calls was broadcast from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel along Waikiki beach in Honolulu. I would dream of warm weather and nice sand beaches while it snowed outside.

In 1962 Ensign Scott spent a few days R&R along Waikiki beach. One of my fellow officers fixed me up with a Navy nurse and I insisted we have dinner at the Royal Hawaiian. It was expensive but was everything I dreamed of as an eleven year old boy.
We finished the evening watching a NCIS rerun. Today was a nice February day. Once again Happy Birthday AJ.

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