Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Tuesday February 21, 2017

Blog time 1020 at Panera:

The weather folks said it will rain most of the morning. They were right.

I changed my schedule because I don't ride my bike in the rain. Did my entire exercise routine at home.

Nancy had a tough night because of nerve pain in her foot. She was tired and needed a pick me up.

The solution was to get in the Escape and head to Panera. We had a nice breakfast and a chance to relax.

Nancy headed out to go shopping and I remained to read the papers.

The London papers did not contain any earth shattering news. They did report on riots in Sweden by young immigrants. Was this the incident POTUS talked about?

Since Friday I have been taking a double dose of steroid pills. It has not, to date, corrected my double vision. I worry about the side effects of prolonged use of steroids. Stay tuned.

I get confused when folks talk about no taxes on exports but taxes on imports. Now POTUS says we have not calculated the balance of trade correctly. Most economists disagree with POTUS. I think I will side with the economists.

Will we ever see an infrastructure program. Nobody has mentioned just raising the gas tax. A gas tax is a utility fee. If folks don't like the tax they should buy an electric car. That would make the Greenies happy.

WSJ had an article on my congressman, Justin Amash. It was a favorable article. Rep Amash a republican has strong libertarian leanings. He is not my type of representative because he is inflexible. Compromise is necessary in a democracy.

Ist was still sprinkling when I left Panera. At home I grabbed my favorite leather vest and walked to a nearby tailor shop. I needed a button put on the vest. The nice young lady put it on for no charge.

Stopped at bank and got some cash. Took Ms P on a short walk.

Quick lunch and then headed downstairs. I did chores. Ironed a pair of pants, put bachelor buttons for suspenders on some pants. The downstairs alarm on the slider keeps giving me an error message. I talked to the alarm company and was told how to fix my problem. After much fiddling I finally got it to work. After all my work I found out I had the unit upside down. I never said I was smart.

One month from today we will have 12 hours of daylight. Today we have 10h53'.

Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. Will read the GRP, watch news and then NCIS and Bull. Tuesday is the only night we watch network TV.

I got my 30 minutes in today I hope you did too.

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