Thursday, February 2, 2017

Wednesday February 1, 2017

Blog time 1939, sitting in den

Breakfast Club Wednesday. Up at 0530 because I need an early start. For the first time since January 5 I will be driving. Today I took surface streets. Most streets were snow covered from last night's snow. But I did not have any problems.

Despite the weather we had a good turnout. The speaker was an astronomy professional who talked about this summers special solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible in the Midwest. The best viewing will be in NE and WY.

Drove straight home after BC, parked the Escape and walked to Panera.

The London papers today are concentrating on the UK Parliament trying to get BRexit special legislation passed.

The head of the Labor Party in the UK wants to ban President Trump from visiting because of his recent immigration EO. PM May said the invitation to the President still stands. Good move PM May

1030 left Panera and walked to the Y. Today I swam 1,000 yards.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon.

Spent the early afternoon taking out the trash, doing laundry, paying bills and eating lunch.

Finished with a short nap.

Dinner and then some Netflix before turning in.

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