Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Monday February 27, 2017

Blog time: 1140 at Panera

Temperatures in 20s this morning but with sun the temps will rise to low 50s later.

This morning I changed my bike route to the Y. The new route includes several steep hills. I think with all the hill climbing I can eliminate my indoor mile run. It was a great day for a bike ride. Birds chirping, no wind and bright sun made the ride enjoyable. I was surprised at how easy it is to can climb these hills. Can it be the steroids?

Nancy and I did not watch the Academy Awards last night but today's news outlets are talking about the major gaffe on best picture. Everyone should read Piers Morgan article in today's Daily Mall. He really savaged the Awards and the self serving ad by the NYT. NYT talks about truth as if they have exclusive rights.

Most folks don't like to be lectured to by folks in an industry that embellished the truth to make movies more marketable. Warren Beaty and Meryl Streep should chill out.

Warren Buffet was on CNBC this morning spouting his folksy advice. Did you know that in 2007 Mr Buffet bet a hedge fund manager a million bucks that he would make more money if he invested in passive index funds than the aggressive hedge fund investor. It looks Buffet will win major league. I bet most stock brokers and investment folks are nervous.

This afternoon I have a optometrist appointment so I left Panera early. Quick lunch and then Nancy drove me to the eye doctor. He gave me a thorough checkup. I explained all my eye problems.

He can fix my double vision with glasses but this would not be permanent. He said the cataracts in my left eye need surgery. He recommend I have the surgery. I agreed and the Doc will set up an appointment.

On our way home we stopped at a Veterinarian's office not far from the condo. We found that the office is a family run operation. We set up an appointment for tomorrow.

Our present Vet's office is far from the condo and they were recently purchased by VCA, a national firm. I was not impressed with with our last visit. We are ready for a change.

Finished my outdoor activities with a two mile walk.

Light dinner tonight and then some streaming TV. I really don't know what streaming TV is but it sounds good.

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