Friday, February 10, 2017

Friday February 10, 2017

Blog time 1145 at Panera:

It was cold when I left for the Y this morning, 18, but had a tail wind. On these cold winter mornings I have 15 pounds of clothes on. I know because I weighted myself.

Full routine at the Y. My time in the mile was 11' 15". That is certified slow.

The Alpena News this morning reported that a cousin, Ann Saretsky passed. Ann was the daughter of my Grandmother Scott's sister. You can figure out the whether Ann is a 2nd cousin or first cousin once removed. Notified my Sister and we are sending flowers.

Today' Daily Mail had an article on a recent BBC program. The BBC toured the EU and asked plain folks about BRexit. Surprising the majority of EU folks said BRexit was ok. Is the EU about to implode? I don't think so.

Big problems in Northern Europe because of a drought in Spain. Spain's lettuce crop is severely damaged by drought. Spain provides northern Europe with lettuce during winter months. The price of lettuce, if you can get it, has gone through the roof.

Prior to big advances in transportation and imports from SA, most lettuce available in northern states during winter was green house grown. The Kalamazoo area had the largest square footage of green houses in the US. The cost of gas and imports from SA drove them out of business.

On the walk home I encountered Nancy. She was heading to the eye doctor to pick up glasses. Nancy now has glasses for night time driving.

Speaking of eyes my double vision continues. I think corrective lenses are needed. I have an appointment later this month.

Grabbed Ms P as soon as I got home. We went on a long walk.

I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed to Costco. I was surprised that Costco was not very crowded on a Friday afternoon. The only purchase we made were dried prunes. I call them prunes but the bag said plums. They taste the same.

Took a short nap. It is now 1750 and we still have daylight. Today we have 10h 23' of daylight heading to 12 h on March 21 and 15h on June 21.

Valentine's Day next week so tomorrow night Nancy is taking me out for dinner. We are going to a Persian Restaurant for a lamb shank.

Nancy is fixing beans and rice for dinner. I love bean and rice. Simple is good.

Veronica sent Nancy an email updating the Grandkids activities. We liked the update, way to go Veronica.

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