Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Wednesday February 22, 2017

Blog time 1015 at Panera:

Another Easy Wednesday. It was foggy and warm when I stepped out first thing this morning.

I did some relaxed calisthenics at home before biking to Panera. I had my usual oatmeal, banana and toast breakfast.

Read the London papers. The Daily Mail has been running old photo albums from the US. Today they showed postcard photos from Nevada in the 1930s. They also had a series of photos taken in the 1930s of Greyhound Bus stations in the US South. Very interesting.

Germany, France and the Netherlands have elections this year. The elections are not unlike what we experienced in the US. Several parties are very anti-immigration.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She expects to be busy because the Butterfly Exhibit opened this week.

Blog continues at 1730, sitting in living room and drinking tonic water.

I read the WSJ but did not find anything I want to comment on. I like their Page One, World News and Opinion sections. I just skim the business sections and have no interest in what they call "Life and Arts" and "Greater New York" sections.

After Panera I rode to the Jewelry store on East Paris Ave. I had bike trails all the way. I left my Rolex off to get it cleaned. The watch has great value to me. Nancy gave it to me in 1965.

Checked out bikes at the bike store in the same compound as the jewelry store. This bike store is a branch of Ada Bike. They had a good selection of 29ers at reasonable prices. The store in Ada has 29s but they are pricey. I need a softer ride.

My total bike mileage today was 15. Absolutely great day for a ride.

Took Ms P on a long walk and then gathered up the trash and recyclables. We had a lot of corrugated cardboard to dispose of. Also did a load of laundry.

Did not have lunch until nearly 1430. Showered and took a quick nap.

It is now 1745 and the temperature is 64. Yes folks 64 on Feb 22. Nancy said the Gardens was busy today with folks looking at the Butterflies. She said they also had a lot of walkers.

Today is President George Washington's Birthday. In grade school each February we would spend time studying our first president. I hope they continue this practice.

Light dinner tonight and then some streaming.

The nice weather continues through tomorrow and Friday, snow on Saturday.

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