Monday, December 26, 2016

Sunday December 25, 2016

Blog time 1750 Christmas Day, at home:


Nancy and I slept in until 0800. Missy and AJ were still sound asleep.

We put some more presents around the tree. Nancy started making Christmas scones.

It was nearly 0930 when AJ got up. The adults had coffee and then started opening packages.

We were all blessed with bountiful Christmas.

Despite the holiday I still needed the get my thirty in so I took Ms P on a short walk followed by a solo longer walk.

We had our Christmas meal at 1430. Nancy prepared ham, mashed potatoes, green beans and dinner rolls. I opened some wine and we had a great feast.

SURPRISE! We did not turn on a TV all day.

Nancy and I fell asleep in a chair while reading. AJ played with her Christmas gifts and Missy took a nap. Great ways to relax after a filling meal.

Nancy said we had to get out of the house so we got in the Escape and headed out looking at Christmas decorations in our old neighborhood and EGR. AJ fell asleep but the rest of us enjoyed the lights.

Steve's family and Debbie FaceTimed us. They were in their car returning from seeing a Star Wars movie.

We all retired about 2200. AJ has discovered the electric sheet on her bed. A new luxury for the CA girl.

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