Sunday, December 25, 2016

Saturday December 24, 2016

Blog time Christmas Day at 1550

December 24, Christmas Eve, the day started with temps slightly above 32 and remained there most of the day. Despite the above freezing temps we had about of one inch of new snow on the ground this morning.

Following our normal routine Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. The place was empty.

At home I grabbed my iPad and walked to Cascade Library for a chance to read the papers. Surprise the Library was empty. I did get a nice walk in.

I took a reluctant Ms P on a short walk.

We did make a short run to D&W to get some sliced chicken. Nancy will make sandwiches for me tonight and Missy and AJ when they get in later. Spent the rest of the afternoon wrapping presents and getting ready for tomorrow.

1630 we headed out to Trinity Lutheran. The church has Christmas Eve services at 1500, 1700, 1900, and 2100. We attended the 1700. Not an empty seat at the church. It was a great service and we had an opportunity to sing all the old Christmas carols.

Missy and AJ are scheduled to arrive in GR about 2250 tonight. Their flight from CHI to GR was delayed 40 minutes. We finally picked them up at midnight.

AJ was too tired to eat so she went straight to bed. Nancy followed soon after. Missy and I drank some wine and talked to 0200. A busy Christmas Eve.

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