Monday, December 12, 2016

Monday December 12, 2016

Blog time: 1035 sitting at Panera

The snow stopped early this morning. Went out and found our drive was plowed. Surprise!

Channel 8 said over 400 school closings this morning. Nancy decided to stay home until noon when she will attend a luncheon.

Did all my calisthenics at home including a ten minute row. Showered had a quick breakfast and as I headed out noted our short condo walk had been shoveled. Last year the condo maintenance contractor had been blasted for poor snow removal. I think they got the message.

The walk to Panera was difficult. The walks had not been plowed so walking through the deep snow and into the wind was hard. I finally decided to walk in the road, even though they had not been plowed today.

The news folks are all buzzing about the Russians hacking. I don't doubt that the DNC's computers were hacked but was it the Russians?

Speaking of hacking I hope that the USA is competent enough to crack Russian computers.

Should Boeing be allowed to sell airplanes to Iran? I think so. Speaking of Boeing I was pleased to see PE Trump questioning the cost of the new presidential airplane. The cost seem exorbitant.

Continuing on the subject of airplane cost overruns I was glad to see the PE question Lockheed's cost for the F35. We should have the best war planes but someone must keep costs in check.

I really have no problem with the Exxon CEO being Secretary of State. Change is good.

Aleppo will fall. We could have stopped the disaster.

The walk home was not too bad because I had the wind at my back.

Nancy attended a luncheon today. As soon as she got home we got in Escape and headed to Costco for supplies. After Costco we stopped at the Dollar Store so Nancy could buy a bow for our Christmas Wreath.

Took a short nap and then a short walk to check on sidewalks. The walks have not been cleared off yet.

Light dinner and we are now watching the final episode of The Crown. Cold front is moving in but we are prepared.

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