Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Wednesday December 7, 2016

Blog time: 1150 at Panera

The power came on at 0400. I got up and reset some clocks and alarms. Also turned on my electric blanket. Love my blanket.

Got up with alarm at 0550. Today is Breakfast Club.

Dec 7th the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Most of the guys at my BC table were in their teens on December 7, 1941. I asked several of them if they remembered and they all had a story to tell.

I was three at the time of the attack and I do not remember. However, I had a civilian employee who worked for me on Midway Island and he was at PH during the attack.

Before leaving for BC I manually opened the garage so Nancy could get her car out.

Returned home right after BC. Manually opened the garage door and tried to reconnect the latch. No luck!

Walked to the Y for a 1,000 yard swim. Every lane was occupied.

Usual fare at Panera, read the papers, the pipeline in the Dakotas is getting a lot of press. A letter to the editor in the WSJ from a North Dakota Representative gave the best explanation of the permitting process and justification for the line.

As soon as I got home took Ms P on a short walk. Short walks are necessary with wind chill today in the low 20s.

Quick lunch and then started chores.

Load of laundry, picked up bike at Ada Bike, took out trash, swept garage and finally figured out how to reset garage door opener.

Nancy worked at Gardens this afternoon. She said despite the weather the Gardens was busy.

Light dinner, read yesterday's GRP and watched an episode of The Crown. We are now watching the Blacklist.

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