Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Tuesday December 13, 2016

Blog time: 1120 Tuesday at Panera

It was cold this morning, 21, but with little wind. Got some snow last night but it stopped before 0600.

Nancy got up at 0615 and headed out early for her swim.

I left home at 0800 and walked to the Y. The walks are still not plowed so I had to walk in the street. Little wind so the walk was quite pleasant.

The morning cable business shows were all about PE Trump's pick for Secretary of State. The guy is being condemned before his first day at work. He needs a chance to show his mettle. I think he is a better choice than our present SOS. Talk about an empty suit!

I guess the recount is over. Only Wisconsin had an official recount and Trump actually gained some votes.

Russian hacking has the news folks having a hissy fit. Hacking by one country against another is bad but we should have taken security measures. We are tech savvy aren't we?

I worry more about China hacking than Russia. China will be PE Trump's biggest challenge.

It is too cold to take Ms P on a walk. Plus the walks are not plowed.

I had lunch and then walked to Macatawa Bank to put some of Nancy's jewelry in the safe deposit box.

Nancy attended a luncheon at the MEA office. The office is within walking distance of the condo. She bundled up and said it was a pleasant walk.

Got in Escape and ran several errands. Stopped at Bill and Paul's and looked at their winter clothes. They had a nice selection but I did not find anything I really needed.

At Meijer's I bought yogurt, show laces and a gift card.

Finally the sidewalks have been plowed.

For dinner Nancy fixed liver and onions. Love liver. Read the GRP and watched NCIS and Bull.

It is going to get cold tonight, low of 15. In fact we have a major cold front moving in. Low temps in single digits for Wednesday and Thursday.

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