Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Tuesday December 27, 2016

Blog time 1030 at Panera

Up early and head out to the lab to get some blood work done. I was in and out of the lab in ten minutes.

Drove to the Y and did my normal Y routine.

At Panera I purchased a banana, sourdough toast and coffee.

So far I have checked my email, the headline in the London papers and the Alpena News.

Just starting the WSJ. Stay tuned!

Blog resumes 1225 Wednesday
End of year so I think most news outlets are taking a breather.

I tried to take Ms P on a walk, no luck. I took a solo 2.5 mile walk. Temps in 20s with 19 mph winds made walking into the wind brutal.

We all crashed for the rest of the day.

Ham sandwiches for dinner. We watched two shows on Netflix before turning in.

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