Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday December 5, 2016

Blog time: 1125 at Panera

33 degrees and three inches of snow on ground this morning. No bike ride today, I will take the bike in this afternoon to get snow tires put on.

Bundled up and walked through the slush and snow to the Y. It is 1.75 miles from condo to Y. Today's time for the mile run was 11'. I keep getting slower. What is a good time for 78 year old man?

I left the Y in bright sunshine. The path and roads have been plowed.

I met a neighbor at the Y who is on our Condo Association Board. He asked if I would help him evaluate some wood decks. Said yes.

PE Trump is getting some flax for talking to the President of Taiwan. Taiwan is a democratic country with 23 million citizens. China has a communist government with few personal liberties. Since when does a communist government dictate our foreign policy. PE Trump is right.

Walked home and took Ms P on a quick walk. We stuck to the sidewalks which have been plowed.

After lunch we drove to Costco for supplies. Best time to shop at Costco is Monday afternoon.

With yesterday's snow I have figured it is time to put the studded snow on the bike. Loaded up the bike and headed to Ada Bike.

Nap and a light dinner. We watched the news and are now watching "The Crown" on Netflix.

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