Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Tuesday December 6, 2016

Temperature was in high 20s when first went out this morning.

Nancy headed out early for her Tuesday swim.

Bike still in shop so I walked to the Y. The sun was out and despite 29 degrees it was a pleasant walk.

Today is the first anniversary of the Mary Free Bed Y. We are charter members. I like this Y because it is new with a great running track. Being only 1.75 miles from home is also a big plus.

We have belonged to four Ys. The first was in Redwood City, CA located several blocks from our apartment on Woodside Road. In GR we have belonged to the Westside Y, the Downtown and now MFB.

Our neighborhood is loaded with office building. Everyone has a lanyard around their neck with a name tag attached or a name tag clipped to a shirt. I never wore a name tag. Is this a product of 9/11?

I really have a problem with strict security at State and Federal office buildings. These institutions should allow free access to their constituents. I don't like being bullied by bureaucrats. It is their excuse to avoid contact with the public.

Blog resumes at 1730 sitting at dining room table in darkness. Our power has been off for about an hour.

The doom and gloomers are all a twitter after the Italian vote and the debt problems of Greece. Is the EU going to survive? I think so.

The situation in Aleppo is tragic. The US and allies could have done more. President Obama's
foreign policy legacy has taken a big hit.

Article today about big mumps breakouts on college campuses. Apparently you should get a booster shot for mumps after several years. Mumps for a young man can be very painful and have serious consequences.

As soon as I got home I took Ms P on a walk. Lunch and then took the Taurus for a fill up.

I started a nap when our power went off. Got out the flash lights and called CPC. They estimate power will be restore by 2100.

I was able to lift the garage door and back out the Escape. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Noto's for a neighborhood dinner. Last one of the year.

The dinner was great we keep meeting new neighbors.

The power was still not on when we got home. No TV or newspaper tonight. We headed to bed and read books on the iPads.

The power did not come on until 0400 Wednesday.

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