Sunday, December 18, 2016

Saturday December 17, 2016

Blog time 1110 at Cascade Library

We got about 2 inches of snow overnight. Nancy and I walked to Panera. It was 18 degrees but no wind. Biggest problem was the roads and walks had not been plowed. We were forced to walk in the road. Luckily it was Saturday so little traffic.

Panera was nearly empty. Had our standard Saturday fare, oatmeal, bagels and coffee.

When we left Panera about a hour later the roads or walks still had not been plowed.

Nancy is doing laundry today. I have several chores to do but first I need to check up on the news. Walked to the Cascade Library. They have a pleasant reading room.

Spent some time in the afternoon running errands. At Ace Hardware bought a special clamp to fix leak under sink and a bag of salt for snow melt. Stopped at Gander Mountain and bought a pair ice grippers. The grippers attach to the bottom of my boots to improve traction when walking in snow.

For dinner we drove to Sundance. I had a wet burrito and Nancy a small salad.

Debbie FaceTimed us tonight. We look forward to these Saturday night talks.

Started watching Goliath but I fell asleep. Nancy will have to bring me up to speed tomorrow night.

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