Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Wednesday November 30, 2016

Blog time: 0900

Easy Wednesday, I slept in until 0700 waited for the sunrise and then pedaled to Panera. Had an oatmeal breakfast and after reading the news I am thinking of a swim at the Y.

Some interesting items in the news.

PE Trump picks his Treasury Secretary, Steven, Mnuchin. I am not sure I like this choice. Mnuchin is Wall Street. Trump campaigned against the elites.

Demographers are reporting that in some States White deaths exceeds births. The 2020 census should provide some interesting facts regarding the makeup of the USA.

Interesting election in Italy this week. If the referendum passes the Italian senate will be changed making the legislature more efficient.

The President of South Korea is in deep trouble because of influence peddling by an associate. Looks like she will resign. Corruption is rampant. Several big corporations seem to wield tremendous power.

Finally China is rolling back some job security protections. Seems many large state owned corporations have serious money problems and need to reduce payrolls. What happened to the Communist Worker's Paradise?

Pedaled to Y and swam 1,000 yards. Every lane was filled. Took my normal bike ride home but in reverse. Temperature was in high 40s with sun.

Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. She was gone when I got home. Took Ms P on a nice long walk. We did see a lonely robin.

Before lunch I did a load of laundry and took out the trash and recyclables. Also got out my fifty year old suit and checked it over. Looks ok. Tomorrow Nancy and I are attending a Christmas Gala at the Gardens. Suit and tie are required. First time this year I will wear a suit and tie.

Took a short nap and now I am in my office writing thus blog. According to my watch it is now sunset, 1708.

It is that time of year when I get out the family archives and start updating the family tree. I am using a family tree software called My Heritage. They now have an app which I will download tonight.

Light dinner tonight and then some Netflix/Acorn or Amazon watching.

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