Monday, November 21, 2016

Sunday November 20, 2016

Blog time: 1115 Monday sitting at Panera

Sunday a very busy day for Bob and Nancy. A brief summary.

0750 up and head to Y for our swim.

After swim return home to change clothes.

1000 attend the Rejoice service at Trinity Lutheran. The Rejoice service is laid back with a brass band and it is held in church basement. No written program, the hymns and prayers are projected on screen. Same homilies as formal service. They also take up a collection. I liked it Nancy wants a more formal setting.

At home had quick lunch. 1230 head to Mary Namey's to pick her up and take her to the airport. She is spending Thanksgiving with her son in Virginia.

1500 head to Nancy's friend and fellow book Club member Judith's condo. Judith is having an open house for another book Club member, Bev.

Bev is moving to Temperance, Mi.

1630 pick up Debbie at airport. Debbie is spending Thanksgiving with us. Great to see her and look forward to the next week.

We had dinner at Brann's. Debbie and I had the sizzler. I forgot how good Brann's sizzlers were.

Finished reading the papers and watched Rake on Netflix before turning in.

A really busy but enjoyable day.

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