Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday November 7, 2016

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Great to see the sun up an hour earlier than last week. Left home at 0800 in bright sunshine.

It was 43 when I left home and now at 1040 it is 57. Still some warmth in the sun.

Clinton cleared, election tomorrow and what impact will Trump or Clinton have on the economy was all the cable business shows talked about this morning.

Ada and Cascade Twp have staked out the edge of the bike/pedestrian for their snow plows. I use the stakes to stay on the path in areas where leaves obliterate the path's edges.

Blog resumes @ 1840

It was dark at 1725: no more after dinner walks.

Today's news was mostly about tomorrow's election.

The battles for Mosul, Iraq and Raqqa, Syria looks promising for the US and their allies.

British court has made BRexit more complicated.

Nancy had another appointment to get a shot in her foot. The series of eight shots are intended to end her foot pain.

Almost 70 degrees when Ms P and I headed out for our walk. The last day temps get above 60 for awhile. Absolutely beautiful fall day. We passed a number of neighbors out enjoying the great day.

I cleaned my in basket and checked bank accounts early this afternoon.

Walked to Meijer's for a loaf of small sourdough bread. I use the small size bread to put my cheese on.

I did take a short nap. We had a light dinner and now are watching PBS evening news.

Election Eve and the candidates are jumping all over the nation.

I remember Election Eve in 1976. Jerry Ford was holding a rally in downtown GR. Nancy and I took the kids and headed downtown. I was amazed at the size of the crowd. It was enthusiastically for President Ford. I was leaning towards voting for Carter but the the crowd convinced me Jerry Ford was my man.

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