Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday November 3, 2016

Blog time: 1055, sitting at Panera

How about them Cubs! Went to bed around 5th inning, woke up and saw the game was tied and in a rain delay. Checked at 2 and saw the Cubs had won.

Heavy rain yesterday and last night filled every pond and depression. Noted on my bike ride to the Y that all the small streams I pass were running full. The rain also brought down a lot of leaves. The path was covered with wet leaves making it very slippery.

Nancy did not go swimming this morning because she has a Dentist appointment. She has to have some major dental work done.

November 3 and I am still wearing my knickers. We have had a warm fall.

The morning business shows have been talking about the difficulty retailers and delivery services have been having getting seasonal workers. I went to the mall several days ago and Help Wanted signs were everywhere. The industrial plants in GR have also been hiring.

Time to break: news reading time

Trivia fact, growing up I never knew a man with a first name of Scott.

The Law of Unintended Consequences rears its head. The Feds have turned the screws so tight on conventional banks that they are reluctant to give mortgages to folks with less than perfect credit ratings. Non banks like Quicken Loans now provide over 50% of all mortgages.

The Federal Government should keep its nose out of the economy.

When Nancy and I bought our home the rates were so high that we purchased the home using a Land Contract. I don't think Land Contracts are used much anymore.

Is their a more incompetent government in the world than Venezuela?

After Panera took Ms P on her daily walk.

This afternoon we ran ran errands.

Stopped at Macatawa to get money for Kim. She is cleaning tomorrow.

Dropped off Nancy's absentee ballot at the Cascade Twp office. The clerk told me that this election has the most absentee ballots she has seen in 20 years.

Stopped at Sam's Club to check out the store. Gas today was $1.96. We checked some prices of popular items at Sam's to compare with Costco's price.

Next stop Costco. Gas was same price as Sam's. In fact Jif peanut butter, Cetaphil lotion, Aveeno lotion and Cheerios were the same price.

Took a short nap and then we headed out to a Shepard's Grill for dinner. Shepard's Grill was jammed. It is a popular local restaurant. We saw several neighbors. Nancy had a bowl of soup and I had their lake perch sandwich. Love their perch sandwich!

We are now watching The Fall on Netflix.

Five more days till sanity returns. I hope!!!

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