Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday November 28, 2016

Blog time: 1100 at Panera

It was raining hard when I got up this morning but had stopped when I headed out.

Dark and gloomy on my bike ride to the Y. The rain must have been heavy because I encountered a lot of big puddles. Also encountered a large flock of turkeys. Do turkeys go south?

I expected the Y to be crowded with folks trying to work off the Thanksgiving pounds. I was wrong.

On morning shows Hillary Clinton is getting a lot of bad press for joining the recount so late in the game.

Did the BRexit signal the restless electorate. First Trump and then Fillon in France. Throw the bums out seems the battle cry.

Rain is expected later this afternoon so as soon as I got home I took Ms P on a long walk.

Finally a dark gloomy day with rain coming, the perfect excuse to stay inside.

Nancy and I spent several hours downstairs working on our computers. Nancy was purchasing gifts online.

I did some computer banking, paid bills, emptied my in basket, filled out a health survey on 23&me and paid my last installment to the IRS.

I even made a comment on Facebook and did a load of laundry.

Had a light dinner, watched the news and right now we are watching Harry on Acorn.

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