Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tuesday November 8, 2016

Blog time: 1045 Drinking coffee at Panera.

It looks like we have a mild, 50s, cloudy day ahead of us. No rain is predicted.

Election Day, I passed three polling places on my bike ride this morning. The parking lots at all three locations were jammed. I think the only thing I can predict is a good turnout. All the pundits say it will be President Clinton tomorrow.

My first vote was in 1960 and I voted absentee because I was a student at UM. I voted for Nixon and Sam Southwell for Alpena County Surveyor.

Speaking of UM sixty years ago this fall, 1956, I started at UM. Tuition was $125. Being a small town kid from Alpena I experienced some major cultural shock.

Blog paused at 1100.

Blog resumes 1750:

Of course the election dominates the news.

The Chinese premier continues to consolidate his power. The President of Turkey is doing the same. Sometimes too much power can be a curse especially is something goes awry.

Took Ms P on her walk and then had lunch. After lunch got in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Chow Hound. Bought dry dog food and a mineral block. I put the mineral block in the back yard for the deer.

A Meijer's I picked up a prescription. Bought long sleeve tees at Costco.

Short nap and then wrote short letters to Grandkids. Walked to the mailbox and posted the letters.

Ironed five pair of khakis.

Nancy is fixing chicken, sweet potatoes and Lima beans for dinner.

Pause for dinner.

Great dinner! We watched all the election coverage until 2015 and then switched to Acorn.

We are watching Agatha Raisin. In fact we are now watching a second episode.

I remember the first Presidential election I was interested in. It was 1948 Truman vs Dewey. My parents were die hard Republicans and interested in public affairs. The Detroit Free Press had a tally sheet that one could fill in as State returns came in over the radio. No TV in 1948. Dewey had a Michigan connection. He was raised in Owosso and graduated from UM. Truman won in an upset. I fell asleep right after the polls closed so I did not get to fill out my tally sheet.

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