Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday November 6, 2016

Blog time: 1650, sitting at dining room table drinking a glass of Red Breast Irish whiskey.

I am glad DST has ended. Left for the Y this morning in bright sunshine.

Nancy and I wear our swimsuits on Sundays so we can get into the pool fast. I was glad we did because every lane was filled. Other folks must be doing the same.

Bob and Nancy each did our 20 laps, 1,000 yards.

No Meijer's today. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast.

We changed clothes and headed to Trinity Lutheran for the 1115 service. Pastor Bob gave an upbeat homily today. Yes the Lutherans no longer have sermons. Bottom line the election is nasty but goodness will prevail. I liked the upbeat tone.

I really like Time magazine's front cover picture, The End is Near. Humor never hurts.

Took Ms P on a 1.5 mile walk. Quick lunch and then my mandatory Sunday nap.

You know you are getting old when instead of watching the Lions in overtime you elect to go on a walk with your wife. Today was a beautiful fall day.

Speaking of weather today we have 10h46' of daylight, heading to 9h on Dec 21. It could be worse. Edinburgh, Scotland has only 8h46'.

Nancy is fixing hot dogs and clam chowder for dinner. Sounds good.

Tonight will read GRP and watch 60'. Might watch a show on Netflix/Acorn.

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