Monday, November 14, 2016

Sunday November 13, 2016

Blog time: 1700

Slept in until almost 0715. Drove to the Y and did some calisthenics and a mile run. No Swim today, Nancy is still in Chicago.

At Meijer's I filled the Escape up and then bought yogurt, milk and dog food.

Had a light breakfast. Attended the 1115 church service.

Took Ms P on her walk, we encountered three deer near the condo. I read several sections of the GRP. Of course I took my Sunday nap.

In about 10 minutes I am loading Ms P in the Escape and heading to Kalamazoo. Nancy's train comes in at 1900.

Stay tuned!

The ride to Kalamazoo was uneventful.

The moon was full and very bright. The weather folks call it a super moon.

Nancy's train was on time. I was surprised at the number of cars on the train, I counted at least eight. Nancy said the train was full.

We got home at 2030. Read the GRP, found out about Nancy's great weekend in Chicago. She had a great time.

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