Friday, November 11, 2016

Friday November 11, 2016

Blog time: 1100 sitting in Panera.

Happy Veterans Day. Ask an old Veteran his service number and I bet 90% will rattle it off. Mine was 652654, you never forget, even after 55 years.

Another trip done memory lane. On this date, Friday November 11, 1955, I played my last high school football game. It was a home game and we played Hamtramck. Hamtramck was a small town surrounded by Detroit. It was 250 miles from Alpena. We traditionally played a home and home series.

The reason for the game was that Hamtramck had a huge Polish population as did Alpena. Kind of a pole to pole game. We won.

The highlight of the series was when we traveled to Hamtramck, in my case 1954. The bus would stop at the huge Hudson's Department store in downtown Detroit and let us out so we could ride the moving stairs, escalators. Big treat for the kids from Alpena as was staying in a hotel.

Hamtramck is no longer home to Polish folks but is a majority Muslim City.

Ms P is still confused about Nancy's absence. We have an appointment with the Vet at 1300.

Yesterday we had steady winds with velocities over 20 mph. It blew the leaves off most trees. Our beautiful colors are gone.

Started reading the papers but had to leave early because of Ms P's Vet appointment.

The Vet checked Ms P out and said she was in pretty good health. She did get a distemper shot.

I ate a quick lunch and then took a nap. Took Ms P on a short walk.

I decided that I needed some greens in my diet so I walked to Sundance. Had their Cherry Chicken Salad.

Had an opportunity to finish reading the WSJ. The entire issue was about the impact a Trump administration will have on almost everything. What a waste of time, how would anyone really know?

Nothing on regular TV so it will be a Netflix evening. I started watching a Viking series last night. I liked it but Nancy never would.

Called Nancy and she was just getting ready to attend a play. She is having a good time.

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