Saturday, November 5, 2016

Friday November 4, 2016

Blog time: 1115

Once again I am starting this blog sitting at Panera drinking coffee. Today was the latest sunrise of the year, 0820. DST ends Sunday.

It was 36 this morning so I ditched the knickers and put on the lined jeans. My 7.5 mile bike ride to the Y was in bright sunshine.

I was just starting the ride when I had a big doe run across the street in front of me. It is that time of year when the deer are moving.

The morning business shows are all guessing what the impact a Trump or Clinton victory will have on business. I really don't think it matters.

I will pause while I read some news and eat my banana.

The Alpena News report today that NE MI had their best apple crop in years. Good news because I consume a lot of apples. Also understand that we had bumper corn and wheat crops.

Turkey continues to clamp down on business leaders. Major power grab by President Erdogan. Will Turkey continue to be a good ally?

In 1960 the Turkish Navy sent a number of young officers to UM. They were classmates in the civil program. Great guys and very smart. They had visitor status at the American Legion and would invite fellow classmates to the Legion for a beer. We would spend the evening toasting the Turkish Navy.

In 1961 after OCS at Newport RI I was sent to Port Hueneme, the home of the Pacific SeaBees, for the two month Civil Engineering Corps Officer's School. I was surprised to find three of my Turkish Navy classmates also in attendance. I have a warm spot for the Turkish Navy's Civil Engineers.

Kim came today and cleaned. The house looks great.

Did not get home until 1300. Took Ms P on her walk. We then emptied all the floral boxes on the deck. Growing season is over. Also took bird seed and feeder out to deck. Bird feeding season is starting.

Late lunch and then ran errands. Filled up the Escape and then stopped at Ace Hardware and bought yard waste bags.

Took a short nap and then Nancy and I headed to Meijer's Garden. We attended a Holiday sale for members only.

We had dinner at the small Mexican restaurant, La Laguna, near Shepard's Grill. They have great Tamales.

We are now watching Broadchurch on Netflix. Actually we are watching it for the second time. We did not realize it until the show was almost over.

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