Friday, November 25, 2016

Thursday November 24, 2016

Blog time: 1930

Happy Thanksgiving!

It was a normal November day. Dark, gloomy and cool. I am glad Thanksgiving is in November because Thanksgiving is a happy family oriented holiday and cheers everyone up.

In my 78 years I have only spent three Thanksgiving away from family. The Navy was the reason for my absence.

My favorite Navy Thanksgiving was fifty five years ago. I had Thanksgiving meal at the BOQ at the Pearl Harbor Navy base in Hawaii. The next day I got on a plane and headed to Midway Island for my 1 year 2 week 3 day tour.

Prior to my marriage to Nancy, my family had Thanksgiving at my Grandfather Scott's farm. It was a big family gathering with at least 20 folks in attendance.

Nancy and I have shared Thanksgiving since 1965. They were all memorable.

Today we all slept in. When I did get up I did the calisthenics at 50% and rowed for 10 minutes.

Nancy spent the morning getting our Thanksgiving meal prepared. My only job was to stuff the turkey.

Took Ms P on her walk.

We sat down to our feast at 1430. It was great. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and super dressing. Finished with pumpkin pie.

I did get the car out and made a trip to Meijer's to pick up a prescription. On the way home I had to stop the car to let five deer saunter across Tahoe Drive.

Talked with Missy and AJ and later with Steve and family who are in AZ with Veronica's family.

We are now watching a James Bond movie on Amazon.

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