Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday November 27, 2016

Weekend Update:

Saturday November 26: Up at 0515 and we all took Debbie to the airport for her trip back to San Jose.

Drove home and then Nancy and I walked to Panera for breakfast. We watched the sunrise at Panera.

At home we got back in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Home Depot Nancy bought an orchid.

Next was Pet Smart for some special dog food.

At Costco we picked up photos.

Final stop Walmart, nothing purchased.

Walked to Cascade Library. Sat in their comfy chairs in reading room and read the news.

Peggy Noonan wrote a great article in the WSJ, "No More Business as Usual, Mr Trump". She said PE Trump must give up his business to avoid conflict of interest. I think it is a no-brained.

What is with the recount so long after the election? If the Dems had doubts on the vote count a recount should have been started within days. Not three weeks after the election.

Immediately after the 1960 some folks were suspicious of the Chicago vote count. Nixon decided not to ask for a recount because it was so divisive.

Lunch and watched some of UM/OSU game. Bummer.

Took a nap.

Moved back into downstairs bath.

Nancy fixed soup for dinner.

Watched some Netflix before turning in.


Up at 0650 and got ready for Sunday swim. We both swam 1,000 yards.

No Meijer's today. Attended the 1000 service at Trinity Lutheran.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I had mine with waffles.

The day was dark and gloomy. Temperatures were in the high 30s.

Ms P needed to get out of the house. We took an nearly two mile walk.
Sunday nap and then took a two mile walk. I got my 30 minutes outside.

For dinner we had hot turkey sandwiches. We have finished all the Thanksgiving food.

We will watch 60 Minutes and if time allows a Netflix show.

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