Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Monday November 21, 2016

Blog time; 1135 sitting in Panera.

Slept in until almost 0730. I did the at home routine had breakfast and bundled for my bike ride to the Y.

Both Nancy and Debbie were up and ready to start the day before I left.

The temp was in the high 20s when I left home. Did my calisthenics and mile run before heading to Panera.

I left Panera at noon because the place was full and they needed a table.

The President- elect is putting his team together. I just hope cooler heads will convince the PE that free trade is good for the USA and President Obama's Asian Trade Pact only needs some minor tweaking.

Immigration will be another important issue that requires early action. I don't think you can deport folks who were born in the US to illegals.

Took Ms P on a long walk. I was finishing lunch when Nancy and Debbie came home from shopping.

Debbie wanted to go to the WWW outlet store in Rockford. Got in Escape and headed to Rockford. Debbie bought several pair of Merrills.

Took a short nap. We had dinner at Russ's. We all had the chicken rice soup. Debbie and I also had a burger.

We are now watching Goliath on Amazon. We liked the first episode so we watched another.

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