Sunday, November 13, 2016

Saturday November 12, 2016

Blog time: 0830, starting this blog sitting in Panera.

Normally sitting with Nancy but she is in Chicago for the weekend. It has only been two days but I am missing her.

It was 26 degrees this morning. First morning with temps in the 20s. Despite the cold we have bright sunshine. Sunshine trumps cold.

After Panera I walked over to Meijer's and picked up a prescription.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She does not mind the cold.

Nice day for a bike ride so I pumped up the tires and headed out on a short, 9 mi, but scenic route. It took me by Laraway Lake. The leaves were so thick on the path that when climbing a steep hill my back tire had trouble getting traction. The back wheel would spin.

I took a long nap. For dinner I walked to Panera for a bowl of soup.

I am now finishing reading the WSJ and looking at headlines from U.K. Papers. Donald Trump and what his impact will be dominates.

Will the Keystone Pipeline be resurrected along with coal fired plants? The Climate folks are worried but if done right they will be an economic plus.

I think the most worrisome unknown is the Trump foreign policy? Only time will tell.

Tonight I will continue watching The Last Kingdom on Netflix. The series is an adaptation from several books by English author, Bernard Cornwall. I am a big fan of Cornwall.

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