Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday November 5, 2016

Blog time: 1150

Nancy and I walked to Panera in complete darkness. We ate our breakfast and watched the sun come up. We walked home in bright sunshine.

In yesterday's blog I wrote about Turkish Navy civil engineers who were in my classes at UM and also at Port Hueneme, Ca. I was digging through some archives and found their names. LTJG Ozcan Ardan and LTJG Sabahattin Sagiroglu. I wonder what kind of career they had? Are they still alive? I just Googled Ozcan and got several hits. It looks like he passed away in 2005. Sabahattin has a facebook page.

Continuing down memory lane I got out my high school yearbook, 1956, and found that last night, first Friday in November, AHS played Bay City Handy in Bay City. My last out of town football game. It had snowed the night before and I remember the field was cleared just before kickoff. My Uncle Harold and Aunt Helen from Alma drove over to see the game. I was very proud that they would make the trip to see me play. We won and I had a good game as I recall.

Speaking of high school sports in the 50s, football was the only fall sport. No cross country or soccer. Alpena High was unusual in that we had a coed gymnastics team. It was very good and won the state in 56. Boy's basketball was they only HS winter sport. No sports, except gymnastics, for girls.

After Panera I took a 12 mile bike trip. Absolutely beautiful fall day.

Nancy is working the Christmas sale at Meijer's this afternoon. Because of parking problems I drove her.

Took Ms P on a two mile walk before lunch.

Nancy did the laundry this morning so I spent some time putting clothes away.

Read the WSJ and then at 1630 headed out to the Gardens to pick up Nancy. Nancy said the sale was a big success.

Nancy is fixing spaghetti for dinner. It smells great.

It looks like a Netflix/Acorn evening. I will have to remember to turn the clocks back.

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