Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Wednesday November 9, 2016

Blog time: 0850 sitting in Hall Street Bakery waiting for Mr Thanh the tailor to open.

Picking up a pair of pants I had suspender buttons put on.

Hall Street Bakery is located near our old neighborhood, Ottawa Hills. Drove past the old home on Mackinaw and it looks good.

Breakfast Club Wednesday: Up at 0545 and was totally surprised that Trump had won. Not only that: the GOP retained the Senate.

Boy the pundits sure blew it! Just like the BRexit vote.

Has the establishment lost touch with the rank and file. I sure have. I did not vote for Trump, instead I voted for Johnson.

As I have said before I am amazed at how dumb smart people are.

Breakfast Club this morning had a speaker from the Nature Conservatory. It was very interesting. I was surprised at how many acres of land had been donated to the Conservatory. Once land is in the trust it must remain wild.

Stay tuned

Stopped at Mr Thanh's and picked up my pants. Next stop Orvis to see if they had the suspenders I saw in their catalog. They did not have the suspenders and could not find them on line.

Stopped at Y and did both calisthenics and mile run.

Filled up the Escape. Gas was $ 2.19

Took Ms P on her walk. Another great day for a walk with temps in 50s.

Lunch and then took a short nap.

After nap headed to Chow Hound to buy a new Pooper Scooper.

Tonight Nancy has Book Club. I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitales on Leonard for dinner.

I had spaghetti and Tom had a sub. Tomorrow Tom and Linda are heading to Miami for a Caribbean cruise.

It is now 1800 and we are deciding what to watch on Netflix/Acorn. Tough decision!

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