Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Wednesday November 2, 2016

Blog time: 0845

Easy Wednesday, did calisthenics at home, 50%, and headed out to Panera for breakfast. Sun did not rise until 0818 so I left home in complete darkness. I have a built in head light and a rear light on my rack plus a light on my backpack. I put them all on blinking mode.

The warm weather continues. It was 58 when left home. My phone said no rain until noon but it has been updated and the rain is suppose to start any minute now.

Today I will fill out my ballot. This will be Presidential election 15 for me. Kennedy/Nixon was my first. I have never worried so much about my vote for President.

I regretted one vote and that was my vote for LBJ. I thought he would keep us out of Vietnam. Was I ever wrong!

Stay tuned, I will take a break to read the news.

The big pipeline explosion in Alabama is suppose to impact gas prices along the east coast. The line is over 5,000 miles long and the main supplier of gas to the east. I checked gas prices in GR today and they were $2.09.

President is trying to restart the Asian Trade Pact. I am a free trader and hope it is passed. However, Trump and Clinton favor protectionism.

After Panera took a 12 mile bike ride. Rain was imminent so I took Ms P on a quick walk.

1300 and it started to rain hard. Quick lunch and then I filled out my absentee ballot. It was a very long ballot.

Got in Escape and ran errands. First stop Cascade Twp offices to drop off ballot. Next the tailors to pick up pants. I had suspender buttons sewn on.

Stopped at ACE Hardware and bought bird seed. It is that time of year where we start feeding the birds.

Speaking of birds I have not seen a Robin since late September. Early departure for warm climates?

Nancy came home early from the Gardens because of the rain.

Took a nap and then a walk around the block.

Light dinner, watched the news and now are watching a Scotland Yard, Inspector Jericho, show on Acorn.

It is that time of year when the weather makes it difficult to get out side. Remember that for good health getting outside for only 30 minutes should be first on your daily agenda.

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