Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wednesday November 16, 2016

Blog time, 0930 at Panera eating an oatmeal breakfast. My bike ride to Panera was in heavy fog. I had all my bike lights ablaze.

Thank God today is my easy Wednesday. I think I am experiencing a fall let down and need to recharge.

Will head out in an hour for the Y and a swim.

I have my annual physical at 1400.

I make use of my time before the swim by catching up on the news.

The news is all about the Trump transition.

I started my swim wearing my Apple Watch. I set it on the "other" workout option. Swam two laps and noted that my arm movement must have disconnected the function. I took off the watch, dried if off and continued the swim. It is working fine.

Biked home and got ready for my Doctor's appointment.

Annual Physicals are not what they use to be. Not as much poking and prodding mostly talk. The Doc has standard questions and he puts my answers into the computer. He scheduled some blood work and sent me on my way.

It was nearly 1600 when I got home. I took Ms P on her walk.

Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. They were not very busy.

Light dinner, we watched the news. We are now watching "The Fall" on Netflix.

Warm spell predicted for Thursday and Friday, high 60s. Snow coming for Saturday and Sunday.

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