Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tuesday November 1, 2016

Blog time: 1040 sitting at Panera.

What a difference a day makes. This morning was 20 degrees warmer than yesterday. Out with the lined pants and in with the knickers.

I left at 0815 several minutes before sunrise but I had all the bike lights working. We had some light showers last night. But arrived at the Y in bright sunshine.

Lately the bananas I get each morning have rotted sections even though the exterior looks good. No more bananas. I think I have read of a blight that is damaging the banana crop.

Only one more week of the insane electioneering. Enough!!

Time out while I read the news.

The business news folk are all a twitter with the Feds upcoming meeting. Why?

China, Russia and Turkey are all clamping down on press freedom. Turkey should be worrisome for the US and NATO since they are suppose to be an ally.

I did not know that the Catholic Church in China is controlled by the government. The government appoints Bishops and other officials. Freedom of religion?

We should appreciate our freedoms.

News Alert! Two weeks until the start of Deer Hunting season. In the 50s it was the policy of AHS to give boys three days of excused absences for hunting. Sorry girls?

Took Ms P on a nice long walk. Nice sunny day for a walk. Temps got to 71.

After lunch got in the Escape and ran errands. Stopped at World Market and bought four bottles of Three Girls wine. This wine was recommended by a wine buyer for a World Market store in Ventura, Ca. We met him on our recent trip to the Rockies.

Bought a Map of Chicago for Nancy. She is visiting Chicago in a couple of weeks.

I did take a short nap. Nancy and I finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

For dinner Nancy cooked a crock pot apple and pork dish. It was great.

Watched the news, read the GRP and we are now watching NCIS.

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