Monday, October 31, 2016

Monday October 31, 2016

Blog time: 1920

It was a cold clear morning, 36. Put on the lined jeans and my Costco down jacket and headed out. The leaves keep falling and within a week I predict the trees will be bare.

I was greeted at the Y by a staff dressed in Halloween costumes. The Y has really trained their staff to be very people oriented. I appreciate it.

Lately I been starting my blog at Panera. Today was no exception.

Please no more election news. I am so turned off by both Clinton and Trump. Tomorrow I will fill out my absentee ballot. I have not yet decided who will get my Presidential vote.

At home took Ms P on her walk and then a quick lunch.

Nancy had an early afternoon Doctors appointment. As soon as she got home we got in the Escape and headed to Lake Michigan Credit Union. We needed to get an update on our accounts.

Nancy bought a Sam's Club membership on Groupon. We picked up our new membership cards and then walked around. They had some items more reasonably priced than at Costco. I bought a brick of Pinconning cheese. Pinconning is a small town in Bay County. It is located on old US 23. Folks from Alpena always stopped at the cheese shop on their way north. Great cheese.

Nancy liked Sam's Club eggs because they are not cage free.

Nap and then spent some time cleaning up my desk.

Light dinner and watched the news. We are now watching Ms Fisher on Netflix.

It is now 2030 and we have not had one trick or treaters. When we lived on Mackinaw we could expect around 200. Our first Halloween on Mackinaw, 1973, was memorable because it was a beautiful warm fall evening. I took the girls and we were impressed with all our friendly neighbors. They kept running into all their new classmates at Ottawa Elementary. Good memories.

Halloween was not a big event in my hometown, Alpena. I remember strapping on my cap guns and going as a cowboy. Another time I dressed as Captain Marvel, my favorite comic book character. When we reached seventh grade trick or treating was discouraged. Only sissies dressed up.

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