Saturday, October 29, 2016

Friday October 28, 2016

Blog time: 1945 Saturday the 29th

Friday a very busy day for Bob and Nancy.

No Y today. Did the calisthenics at home including a 10 minute row.

Showered, dressed and drove to Panera for a quick coffee and chance to read news.

Today we are attending Ed Namey funeral. It starts at 1100.

The funeral was well attended. I think Ed would have liked the comments by his sons.

Lunch followed the service. The funeral and lunch were held at the funeral home.

After lunch Nancy and I headed to the Namey's to meet with family. We enjoyed chatting with Ed and Mary's family.

Interesting fact Mary Namey's sister is married to the son of my high school classmate, Denny Bowen.

At home took Ms P for a walk and then a nap.

We met the Moleski's at the Bull's Head Restaurant for dinner. After dinner we attended a Grand Rapids Symphony concert. Nancy enjoyed the concert.

The temp was in the low 60s when we went to bed. Tomorrow is suppose to be an unseasonably warm day.

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