Saturday, October 1, 2016

Friday September 30, 2016

Blog time 1615:

The rain continues. Up at 0630, put on my rain gear and walk to the Y in a steady drizzle. For a Friday the Y was not very crowded.

Did my calisthenics and mile run, showered then put on my wet gear and walked to Panera. Unlike the Y Panera was jammed.

The papers and morning business shows are having a hissy fit over Deutschland Bank. I really don't care.

The Syrians and Russians are destroying Aleppo and the EU and USA are just sitting on their hands.

Kashmir is another hot spot that does not seem to have a solution. Both India and Pakistan have nukes. Scary!

The nastiness of the news media is very discouraging. Has civility and objectivity gone by the wayside. The email posts of Esquire and Vanity Fair that I receive each morning are in very bad taste.

The rain had stopped when I left Panera, but is scheduled to resume later this afternoon. I took Ms P on her walk before lunch.

This afternoon I did chores. Washed the glass in our new exterior door. Moved the umbrella on our deck table downstairs. I tried to figure how to fix the leaky faucet in the downstairs storage room. I took some photos and will stop by Ace Hardware tomorrow for guidance.

Upgraded software on my iPad and laptop. Called my Sleep Doctor and Heating Company to schedule appointments. Yes I have a sleep doctor and he is a MD.

Tonight Nancy and I are going out to dinner with the Horlings. I will continue this blog after dinner.

We met the Horling's at Bone Fish Grill. Nancy and I had their scallops and shrimp dish. It was great. The Horling's are good company. We had a great time.

The rain will continue tomorrow. I did get my thirty minutes outside today. Lately my fitness goal is 10,000 steps.

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