Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tuesday October 11, 2016

Blog time: 2120

Overslept until almost 0700. Nancy headed out immediately for her swim at MVP. I did the at home routine and had a leisurely breakfast. Took my time because the sun does not come up until 0800.

Pleasant bike ride to the Y. The colors are almost at their peak.

Calisthenics and mile run at Y. Spent some time at Panera reading the WSJ and Apple News. I am taking a break from opinions on the news.

Hurried home because the furnace man is coming some time this afternoon. Took the Taurus for gas. Did a load laundry.

Talked to my sister today and we are going to Gaylord on Saturday. We are having a Scott family gathering. My cousins from Harbor Springs and Alpena are coming. We are going to exchange family history and photos.

Also talked with a fellow retired Naval officer, Lynn Francis. He has a friend who was in the Navy's Civil Engineering Corps. We are all meeting for lunch Thursday. We are meeting at the airport then flying to Plainwell for lunch. Sounds good.

Took Ms P on a pleasant walk. The furnace man arrived about 1600. He put in a new circuit board. Everything is fine. Of course the circuit board was not cheap.

Walked around the block and then took a short nap.

Light dinner and then I spent some time checking all the furnace registers. They are now all clear and working. Pressed two pairs of khakis.

Watched NCIS and Bull before turning in.

It is that time of year when getting outside can be difficult. But remember that 30 minutes outside is good for the body and soul.

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