Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Tuesday October 18, 2016

Blog time: 2200

I will be glad when Daylight Saving Time ends. This sunrise at 0800 is for the birds.

It was a warm 71 when I left home this morning. Also had a very strong west wind.

The high winds and recent rains are accelerating the loss of leaves. An upside to bare trees is the ability to see further off the road. I see thing not visible during full foliage.

The Y was not busy today. Beautiful facility but not busy? Overcapacity?

Panera has been open about nine months. Business appears to be increasing every month.

The battle for Mosul dominates the news.

Why can't NATO put a stop to Syria and Russian bombing of Aleppo.

Left Panera early because I have a 1300 appointment with my dermatologist. I did have time to take Ms P on a quick walk.

Dr Yurko looked me over, froze several spots and told me to come back in six months. I like her.

Nancy and I were at Fox Ford at 1500 to pick up our new Ford Escape. Fox Ford's company geek spent an hour with us explaining all the electronic gear.

For dinner tonight Nancy and I headed to Noto's for the monthly get together of our condo association. We enjoy these gatherings.

The temperature has dropped 20 degrees. Low temp tonight will be 50.

Just took Ms P out and saw a bright full moon.

A neighbor told me that we have a coyote in the area. I keep looking but have not seen it.

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