Monday, October 24, 2016

Monday October 24, 2016

Blog time, 1100 sitting in Panera and reflecting.

The ghost of Bobby Lane has risen in the person of Matt Stafford. Stafford yesterday marched the Lions down the field with less than 2' to go. Lions scored and won just like Bobby Lane would do in the 50s. Did you know Lane and Stafford went to the same high school?

Cubs vs Indians what a great series!

Late start today because the sun not up until 0810. Temp in low 40s. Wore my knickers but don't know how long this will last. I need mittens to keep hands warm.

Lawn care folks are busy picking up leaves.

In the 40s and 50s in the big city of Alpena folks would rake their leaves into the gutter and the City would pick them up. You could even burn the leaves. The kids would ride their bikes to school. A big sport was to ride your bike through the pile of leaves in the gutter. Crotchety Mr Bentrad would yell at us for scattering his leaves. One day unbeknownst to us he covered a concrete block in the pile. Tommy Collins hit the block and went over his handlebars. Luckily Tommy was not hurt. We did not ride through his leaf pile again.

Break time I have to read today's news.

Return to blog: 1920

Today's news was not happy. The battles for Aleppo and Mosul continues. The President of the Philippines continues to bad mouth the USA. The Presidential race seems to favor Clinton and Trump's attacks get more weird and desperate.

As soon as I get home we get in the Escape and head to Costco. I needed a new supply of fiber. In fact that is all we purchased. Nancy heard D&W had a sale on raspberries. We stopped at the Cascade store. No luck.

Quick lunch and then took Ms P on a walk.

Nancy had a Doctor's appointment this afternoon.

I ran some errands this afternoon. At Fox Ford I purchased a mat for the Escape's rear deck. Stopped at Gazelle Sport to see if they had any mittens. No luck.

Final stop was Home Depot to look at their selection of artificial Christmas trees. They had a large selection. Nancy and I will visit later this week.

Took a quick nap. Light dinner and then a walk around the block.

We get free Showtime for the next 30 days. We are now watching Forsaken, a western.

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