Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Tuesday October 25, 2016

1100: sitting in Panera.

It was pitch black and 32 at 0630. Sunrise today at 0810 so I had time to spare. I did all the calisthenics at home. It was cold enough for me to put on my lined jeans.

Left home at 0830 in bright sunshine. This time of day the sun is so low in the sky that biking east is difficult. Luckily most of my 7.5 mile ride is traveling west.

Did my mile run at the Y and some chin-ups before heading to Panera.

Morning business shows still are divided on the AT&T sale. I am against it. Good news for MI, GM had a gang buster quarter. Business folks are wondering if they will regain a business friendly Republican Party after the election.

Stay tuned!

I'm back @ 2030:

At home I took Ms P on her walk. Great sunny fall day, we love our walks.

Lunch and then ran some errands. A door under our sink has been falling off. I think I have a fix so I headed to Ace Hardware and bought the fix, I hope. Will install tomorrow.

Next stop was Bed, Bath and Beyond. Since I have been using my breathing machine I sleep on my back. I have been getting neck pain. I blame the pain on my pillow. I bought a My Pillow. Yes the same pillow as seen in the dorky ad on TV.

Took a short nap using my new pillow. It seems to work.

Nancy fixed breaded chicken thighs with new potatoes and Lima beans for dinner. It was great.

Finished my daily activities with a walk around the block.

Tonight we watched NCIS and now are watching Bull.

Tonight we will lose power for two hours. My alarm won't work so I set the alarm on the iPhone. Breakfast Club tomorrow morning.

Sad news today. Mary Namey notified Nancy this afternoon and said that Ed Namey passed last night. Ed was a great friend. We both graduated from UM Engineering in January 1961 and had many interests in common. Nancy and I took several trips with Ed and Mary including National Parks in Utah, a Russian River cruise and tour of NYC. They were great traveling companions. Rest In Peace Ed.

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