Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Monday October 3, 2016

Blog time: 2015

Finally no rain so I can ride my bike. I have been doing more calisthenics at home lately because the sun does not come up until 0745. I don't like riding in the dark.

The Y was not very crowded today. Nancy said the same about MVP. Maybe the luster is off belonging to a Athletic Club.

The Athletic Clubs might be out of favor but bakery/coffee shops like Panera are busy.

The Colombian Government makes a deal with a rebel group that has been waging war with the Government for years. The peace treaty was put to a public vote last week and rejected. Now what?

Trump's taxes certainly have been making the news. My first question is how did the NYT get this info. Invasion of privacy?

The entire tax issue should highlight the need for tax reform. Trump probably took advantage of our confusing Federal tax laws. In fact as I understand the tax laws they are geared to help real estate companies during downturns. I don't know if this is fair but it is the law.

My little company, Scott Civil Engineering Company, seldom paid Federal taxes. My accountant always found a legal exemption.

If I was King I would tax all companies on their gross revenues with no deductions. The tax rate would be less than 15%. Vote for me for king!

After Panera I had a quick lunch and then Nancy and I headed downtown to continue our visit to Art Prize. For a Monday Downtown was jammed with visitors. We really enjoyed today's visit.

At home I took a short nap. We had a light dinner. Instead of watching the news I took a load of clothes to Goodwill.

Tonight we watched the season ending episode of Hinderland on Netflix.

Sure sign fall is here. I keep running over fallen acorns and walnuts. Looks like a good crop, the deer and squirrels will get fat.

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