Friday, October 21, 2016

Friday October 21, 2016

Blog time: 1718

Looked at the clock and it said 0615 so I laid back down for another 15' of shuteye. I woke up an hour later.

Cooler this morning, 39, put layers on the upper body but still wore my knickers. I was comfortable on my ride to the Y.

I have been impressed with the way Mary Free Bed and the Y have offered programs for the mentally and physically challenged. They have a large number of participants.

Got to Panera late this morning but did find a place to sit. The place was near capacity at noon.

Read the news but I thought it was a repeat of yesterday.

Took Ms P on a long walk. She likes the cooler weather.

Quick lunch and then we all got in the Escape and ran errands. First stop Lowe's. Bought light bulbs and two bags of mulch.

Next stop Big Lots to look at small Christmas trees, artificial of course. Their trees were more costly than Lowe's. I will go back to Lowe's next week and buy one.

At home I spread the mulch around a big tree in the front yard. Also programmed the car's radio. Tried to get the Escape's on line garage door opener to work but to no avail.

Will have a light dinner and then at 1830 we will head to the GR Art Museum for a show.

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